This is what happened today morning. Just as I was gonn refill the container that hold s tea (grains), i cud not somehow open it properly,. blame my (in)experience of 27 years or the design of the packaging but the grains just spilled all over the place. was i hasty? i feel partly deign would have to be blamed but maybe i was toom indecisive befor opening oit whether i wanted to open it and fall into the container or whether i wanted to have the 'feel' and sound of the poacket opening. Of course when u want the seconds one, you need to have as much extended a tear length as you can possibly can. I guess thats what i was aiming it. I wanted to hear that pppprrrrr...sound of the plasic being 'locally extended, fatigued, stresses fgetting distributed and strains getting linear to exponential'. Maybe the sound comes from the mindboggling calculations that plastic has to do in jsut a couple of nano seconds???? who knows.
coming back. I am amazed at my on the spot indecision to know what i want. i guess careful ppl (they generally are called mothers) are much more focused and goal oriented than a 27 year old | just woke up | paid for as a designer | on a saturday morning. These careful ppl'sminds seem to say befor opening the tea packet "hey lisyten yopu hands, i want it to fall exactly this much amount in exatcly this way and in this container only. the packaging shud be ripped in a way tght i can fold ity and preserve the rest ofg the tea grains for next refill" not all of us can become mothers but hey do we need to work opn taht 'bneing decisive' part ?????